Exclusive Features
to Elevate your AP Operation

Meet the power of automation in the AP cycle with our exclusive features. Do extraordinary business with simple and user-centric MonstarBill.

Expense Reconciliation

MonstarBill automatically matches your ledger accounts to supporting documents and bank statements, allowing you to save hours finding out errors and discrepancies. Let your Accounts team focus on matters that actually need them, not matters that can be done with automation.

Customisable Dashboards

Revamp from traditional static reports to dynamic, real-time and customisable dashboards when making decisions. Visualise any period of financial position at a glance for any of your concerns. Turn data into meaningful insights with MonstarBill’s powerful dashboard.

Multi-Approval Workflows

Your AP cycle can range from a single approval route to multi layered approval routes with several conditions linked to each approval request, MonstarBill will handle it all, allowing you to experience a seamless workflow while minimising approval delays and bottlenecks.

Centralized Subsidiary Management

Managing multiple concerns globally can be intricate and challenging, but not with MonstarBill. Consolidate all entities’ financial information at your fingertips with clarity and simplicity. Always stay up-to-date with real time insights to make the smartest decisions.

Take Control of Your Finances with MonstarBill

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